Hey everyone, just making a new blog. I have another blog that I started here in google land that is more specific to recovery and is taking me forever to set up the way I want as it's more a telling of my story. This one i wanted to create to be me in the moment, which is a hellof a lot easier than writing my story. So, how you like my name for my blog? Lila is the sanscrit word for divine play. More specifically, "Lila is a way of describing all reality, including the cosmos, as the outcome of creative play by the divine absolute (Brahman).". So here it is....Yoga~lila~ville! Right now in this moment I am doing pretty well. I'm looking forward to teaching tonight in place of my own teacher who is in India with her son Eli for two months. I love her blog! I am learning so much reading her entries everyday. I have decided that in honor of her and her journey in India, I am going to be teaching her Thursday night class from a heart theme inspired by her journal entries while she is in India. I just thought that would be a cool way to keep "kula" connected with her, to have her in our hearts like that. And she's so cool. I was wanting to teach on Open to Grace, which is cool at the start of a new year when everyone seems to want to set themselves up for failure with unrealistic resolutions based in "i need to lose weight and eat right" in the middle of winter! Opening to what Grace wants us to do is so much better than what my stubborn delusional self will thinks I should do for me. And then my teacher Karen wrote a blog about it yesturday....Opening to Grace in India waiting for the boat to stop on her side of the river, lol. I love that!! So I'm working a good theme for tonight and can't wait to teach it.
Anyway, enough for now. I will write more about my yoga discoveries in my dance of Lila with Grace in the future.